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The quickest way to solve most issues is to our FAQ’s below or check our how to videos at the button below
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Are there is any hidden fee for Pre-Approval Notice?
No, Pre-Approval Notice works on a monthly subscription from licensed loan originators. Consumers and Realtors never pay for use of myPAN or any of its services. In order to keep our cost low we offer high value deals through paid vendor advertising to users at the point in the process they need the offer.
Can I see Pre-Approval Notice for free?
Yes, viewing of Pre-Approval Notices are always free. Generating a Pre-Approval Notice requires that consumers and realtors work with a loan officer that subscribes to our service.
How much I can pay for Pre-Approval Notice?
Subscriptions vary by membership level and are offered monthly or annually. Please visit this page for our current pricing. (link to LO pricing page)
How can I apply online for Pre-Approval Notice?
If you are a loan officer a please visit this page (link to LO pricing page)
Buyers & Realtors must invite their loan officer to sign up (hint the first 30 day trial is always free) Click here to send your loan officer an invitation and a FREE 30 day trial (link to LO invitation screen)
How can I contact mypreapprovalnotice.com?
Please use the contact form Click Here
There is any requirement to view Pre-Approval Notice online?
Kind of, all notices are issued online. Online delivery of a notice is essential to the dynamic and transparent nature of our system and it is truly what sets our system apart from the traditional pre-approval letter. We do offer a save to pdf option so you can easily archive a local copy. However, we do not delete notices once they are issued and each instance of a notice is unique with its own ID so you can always view previously issued notices at any time, at least until a zombie apocalypse in which case we can’t promise anything.
Can I download or Print my Pre-Approval Notice?
Yes, the save as PDF function on the left tool bar offers a convenient way for seller’s and their agents to save a copy for local archiving. Buyers and Loan officers automatically have a PDF version accessible in their login dashboard.
How can I get my own Pre-Approval Notice in mean time?
Pre-Approval Notices are always generated by a buyer, after a loan officer has entered in all relevant pre-approval data and answered the Pre-Approval Notice Questionnaire. Without the loan officer’s data input and attestation there is no way to issue a notice.
What are the benefits to using myPreApprovalNotice.com?
myPreApprovalNotice.com is the only pre-approval communication method that offers a dynamic buyer controlled, loan officer attested transparent pre-approval. Our system, is convenient for buyers and sellers. It offers sellers more information, buyer’s convenience and special offers to save money throughout the buying process. For a full list of benefits visit one of these pages:
- Loan officer benefits page (link these to appropriate page TBD)
- Buyer’s benefits page
- Buyer’s Realtor benefits page
- Seller’s benefits page
- Seller’s Realtor benefits page
How much time its take to issue the Pre-Approval notice?
It varies a little but if you have a consumer has an account set up it should take less than 5 minutes. Account set up to issue should never take longer than 10 minutes, unless the user has a poor internet connection.
Can I see my Pre-Approval Notice online?
Yes, Notices are always issued online and archived. You will need proper credentials to view a notice. These credentials are issued by our system and communicated from buyer to seller. Notices can be saved to PDF for local archiving.
What information is required to get the Pre-Approval Notice?
Buyers will need to create and account and log in. Once in the system they will fill in some contact info for the parties involved. In addition, they will enter in transaction specific data including:
- Subject Property Address
- List Price
- Offer Price
- Annual Property Taxes
- HOA Dues (if applicable)
Sellers will need to go to the PAN viewing login (link to PAN viewing login page)
- Contact Information
- Seller Type
- Subject Property Address
What do I do if I have a problem?
Have you checked our tutorial videos yet? (link to tutorial videos) For technical issues please go to our contact form. In the “Problem Type” drop down choose “Problem issuing a notice.” We prioritize these requests, but response times vary. Support replies are limited to weekdays. All weekend requests are processed on Monday.